Swissberg Ltd.
Seefeldstrasse 224
P.O. Box
CH-8034 Zurich
T +41 44 388 81 81
F +41 44 388 81 82
Swissberg Ltd.
Via Serlas 20
P.O. Box 92
CH-7500 St. Moritz
T +41 81 833 71 71
Swissberg Ltd.
Bleichemattstrasse 11
P.O. Box
CH-5000 Aarau
T +41 62 824 61 61
Swissberg is supporting its clients comprehensively on all aspects related to the structuring, administration and modification as well as the termination of licence agreements for trademarks and other IP rights.
For our clients we design, negotiate and analyze franchising, merchandising and other licencing agreements.