Goods / Services

Swiss trademark law is based on the principle of speciality: A trademark is protected only for the goods and services for which it is registered (within the scope of the likelihood of confusion test). The exception to this general rule is the famous trademark according to article 15 of the Swiss Trademark Act.

Under Swiss Trademark Law all goods and services are divided into 45 classes (Nice Classification). The more classes are claimed by a trademark, the higher will be the official fees (however, in Switzerland the same fee applies for up to three classes).

In most cases the class headings of the 45 classes of the Nice Classification cover all goods or services falling under the respective class; however there are exceptions. There is no obligation to use the wording of the Nice Classification for Swiss trademarks.

Swissberg will assist you in the composition of the list of goods and/or services that fits to your trademark under Swiss law.


Nice Class Headings in english
Nice Class Headings in german
Nice Classification german-english

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